

  • May 12, 2024

    Honor Your Parents

    “It’s respect for your parents that is the basis for every other kind of respect and every other kind of authority.” – Tim Keller

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


He Gets Us

  • May 5, 2024

    He Gets My Fear

    The fear of the Lord reduces all other fears to their appropriate place.

    Dave VanDonge | Dover Campus Pastor


  • Apr 28, 2024

    He Gets My Doubt

    Doubt is a matter of the mind – we don’t understand what God is doing and why He is doing it.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Apr 21, 2024

    He Gets My Restlessness

    We are made for God and our hearts and lives are restless until we rest in Him.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Apr 14, 2024

    He Gets My Desperation

    Desperation only comes when there is a recognized need that is beyond our ability to meet.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Apr 7, 2024

    He Gets My Confusion

    Confusion’s redemptive purpose is to bring us back to dependence on Him, so anticipate it and embrace it.

    Dave VanDonge | Dover Campus Pastor


Easter at NewPointe

  • Mar 31, 2024

    Easter at NewPointe

    Jesus came to live a life that none of us are capable of living, and then empowered us to do life.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


Beyond Belief

  • Mar 24, 2024

    The Way of Love

    In order to follow Jesus, we must follow His ways. We must know Jesus, be with Him, so we can become like Him and do as He did.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Mar 17, 2024


    It is so easy to reduce the idea of following Jesus to just a belief statement rather than a personal mission statement. "This is what I believe" rather than "This is how I live my life."

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Mar 10, 2024

    The Invitation

    The Church today believes in Jesus but struggles to embrace what it really means to follow Him.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


The God Who Comes for Us

God & Sexuality

  • Feb 25, 2024

    Renewed and Restored

    The remedy for our sexual brokenness is reliance on the God who heals and forgives.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Feb 18, 2024

    Stewarding Sexuality

    God's covenant love with people is an exclusive relationship.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Feb 11, 2024

    Mixed Messages

    Instead of looking down with judgment on others, I must realize we are all broken, and on a journey of healing and transformation.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Feb 4, 2024

    The Sexual Revolution

    Jesus calls us to live a life of purity.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


Vision Sunday

  • Jan 28, 2024

    Vision Sunday

    “An opportunity must be seized in the lifetime of the opportunity.” – Leonard Ravenhill

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


Pray Like Jesus

  • Jan 21, 2024

    Seeing Clearly

    Wisdom is seeing the world from God’s perspective.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Jan 14, 2024

    Next Move

    Prayer is letting go of self-protection and self-gratification.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Jan 7, 2024

    Getting It Right

    Jesus says effective prayer comes from a right attitude and is authentic.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor
