

Separate. Cut off. Isolated. Or how about disconnected? Does this describe you? Know that God doesn’t want you to feel as if you’re on an island, stranded, talking to a soccer ball named Wilson. You were created and designed for community. Community with God and community with others. Join us February 5 & 12 for this new message series.

  • Feb 12, 2023

    Disconnected from Others

    We are made to be connected to each other, but we disconnect because of pain and hurt… Abundant life does not happen without others walking with us.

    Dave VanDonge | Dover Campus Pastor


  • Feb 5, 2023

    Disconnected from God

    The value in being honest with God is that it acknowledges I need God and makes His resources available to me.

    Dan Wigton | Millersburg Campus Pastor


The Church: Keeping It Real

The big “C” church has an incredible origin, a rich history, a powerful mission, and a true hope. But how does the little “C” church, like NewPointe, play a role in inspiring people to follow Jesus? Join us as we look back on our origin, toward to our future, and how NewPointe is part of God's powerful mission.

  • Jan 29, 2023

    It's a Family Thing

    An intimate relationship with God is available to every believer, but it must be cultivated, nurtured, and developed like any other relationship.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Jan 22, 2023

    Where Are We Going?

    The two main reasons we don’t take advantage of our opportunities is that we are unwilling to be disrupted and lack conviction in being God’s ambassador.

    Dave VanDonge | Campus Pastor


  • Jan 15, 2023

    Be the Church

    Prayer does more than you think because God does more than you can see.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Jan 8, 2023

    Original Intent

    From the very beginning the church began as a movement, and it began as a movement around an amazingly simple idea, an event in history, the resurrection of Jesus.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Jan 1, 2023

    A Look Forward

    As always has been true, the times are changing. We have to change our strategies, not our message, to work.”

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


King Jesus

This is the story of a King. A King who was not born of royalty, wrapped in fine linen, nor with a crown of jewels waiting for his coronation. But rather a King who would save us from our sin, show us how to live and love like Him, and Who ultimately sacrificed Himself for His people. This is the story of King Jesus.

  • Dec 24, 2022

    Christmas Revealed

    The volume and agreement of eyewitnesses tell us that if you reject the Christ of Christmas, you are rejecting reality, not a perception.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Dec 18, 2022


    Faith is believing that God is who He says He is and will do what He says He will do.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Dec 11, 2022

    The Players

    When we choose to fully believe the promises of God, we will have the courage and strength to obey.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Dec 4, 2022

    The First Look

    If we are not careful, we end up just getting through Christmas instead of being excited about Christmas. We end up tolerating it instead of allowing it to transform us.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


In God We Trust?

  • Nov 27, 2022

    You Get to Choose

    The key to changing your finances is a change of mindset. Otherwise, no matter how much of a raise you get, you will repeat the same cycle over and over. Change your mind, fully trust in God, and work the plan.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Nov 20, 2022

    The Insanity Cycle

    Most financial frustration is the result of greed: wanting what we can’t get and not needing what we don’t have.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Nov 13, 2022

    Not What You Think

    If you have never learned to fully trust God, you will never be authentically generous.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Nov 6, 2022

    Trust Issues

    When you model the generosity of God, He not only blesses you, but He passes the blessing on to the next generation.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


Life & Death

  • Oct 30, 2022

    The Excellent Way

    Through faith, we are no longer searching endlessly for faults, but we search endlessly to build up and lift.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Oct 23, 2022

    What Did You Say?

    Our lives are the fruit of the word seeds that have been sown into us.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Oct 16, 2022


    When we are critical of others, our words say more about us than they do about our target! Not only does criticism come from the heart, but words spoken shape the heart.

    Dave VanDonge | Campus Pastor


  • Oct 9, 2022

    Judge Not

    When I judge others, I do not have all the facts. I am looking at how far they need to come instead of how far they have already come.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Oct 2, 2022

    Words Are Powerful

    Words are the tools God uses to bring life where there is death and light where there is darkness.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


It Comes in Waves

If your mental health is an ocean, then your emotional health is the waves. Rising and falling as the moments pass, being pushed and pulled by the storms above and the ships that cut through them. Sometimes it feels like the tide of our emotions can be completely out of control, right? How do we manage the storms in our lives? How do we learn to move with the current of our emotions so we don't drown in the depths of our mind? Join us as we dive into what the Bible says about our emotions and how we can better handle them. Because it comes in waves.

  • Sep 25, 2022

    Soul Healing

    This message includes an interview with Dr. Tammy Smith who is a Licensed Professional Counselor in the states of Ohio and Texas, a National Certified Counselor, and holds a Ph.D. in Psychology.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Sep 18, 2022

    Managing Your Mind

    We must accept the hard truth that our pain and suffering, even if it is not our own fault, is still our problem. No person will ever experience healing, freedom, and emotional health until they grasp this personal responsibility.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Sep 11, 2022

    A Hurried Life

    Emotional and mental health are related but markedly different. Envision mental health as the ocean, with emotional health being the waves.” - Clara Jennison

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


Getting It Right

Getting from where you are now to where you want to be is always a challenge. Often we are confused about the path to a stronger spiritual life, or maybe we are scared to take that next step. However, you need to move forward. Join us as we break down the road to your spiritual best. We want to help you get there, and we want to get it right.

  • Sep 4, 2022


    “God has given each of us a gift or gifts, not to fulfill the American dream but to fulfill His purpose in our lives by serving other people.”

    Campus Pastors | Campus Pastors


  • Aug 28, 2022


    God wants something FOR you, more than He wants something FROM you.

    Dave VanDonge | Campus Pastor


  • Aug 21, 2022


    Life change can be initiated in rows, but transformation happens in circles.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Aug 14, 2022

    Good News

    “If a man has a soul—and he has—and if that soul can be won or lost for eternity—and it can—then the most important thing in the world is to introduce the man to Jesus Christ.” – Billy Graham

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Aug 7, 2022


    Grace is God’s power to allow us to live life to the fullest—to be able to fulfill everything that He is calling us to do.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


Bye Bye Babylon

Looking back into history, and even in the Bible, we find countless stories of people who are displaced. Sometimes even we feel displaced when it comes to our place in the world around us. So how do we live in the world and still keep our eyes on the heavenly home that awaits us? Join us as we look into the book of Daniel and how his time spent in Babylon is a relevant picture of our lives today. This world is not our home, and one day we too can say Bye, Bye, Babylon.

  • Jul 31, 2022


    "Integrity is doing what you ought to even when it costs you." - Andy Stanley

    Dave VanDonge | Dover Campus Pastor


  • Jul 24, 2022

    Numbered and Weighed

    “If you read history, you will find that the Christians who did most for the present world were precisely those who thought most of the next. It is since Christians have largely ceased to think of the other world that they have become so ineffective in this.” – C. S. Lewis

    Dave VanDonge | Dover Campus Pastor


  • Jul 17, 2022

    Fire Tested

    Compromise is easy, the popular thing to do, what feels right. Conviction is usually difficult, lonely, and does not feel easy.

    Dan Wigton | Campus Pastor


  • Jul 10, 2022

    Anchored Hope

    The moment you realize God is smarter than you is an important day for your faith and hope.

    Dave VanDonge | Campus Pastor


  • Jul 3, 2022


    In all of Israel, only a select handful of people knew their identity so well that they never stopped living it. But their knowledge of who they were was so strong it changed the majority of the culture around them.

    Jonathan Wood | Wooster Campus Pastor
