
Leaving Your Mark

Whether you like it or not, you are going to leave a mark on someone. We impact everyone we come in contact with, either positively or negatively, and we have the opportunity to leave a mark that can change the world! What kind of mark do you want to leave?


The proof that an apple tree is an apple tree is, well, it produces apples. I know, I know, sounds obvious. But have you ever thought that what we produce is the identity of who we are? If we are followers of Christ, then what fruit should our lives be producing? Join us as we look closely at what should define the one who follows Jesus.

  • Jun 13, 2021


    The battle for self-control is different for all of us, and the emphasis must be on growing. Self-control begins with surrender to Christ’s control.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Jun 6, 2021


    Do you feel like there’s more to life than what you’ve been experiencing? It could be that you haven’t experienced the power of God through strength under control and channeled for the benefit of others. Surrender to God to develop the power of gentleness in your life.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • May 30, 2021


    It's a quality that all of us admire, but it is also a quality that God requires — but why? How can something as simple as faithfulness completely change our lives?

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • May 23, 2021


    God created you to be one authentic person, being who you are where you are. The way to a fulfilling life is laying down your pride and living from His goodness.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • May 16, 2021


    What God does in us while we wait is as important as what we are waiting for. Patience is not human willpower; patience is evidence of our faith in God.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • May 9, 2021


    Kindness has the potential to completely change someone's life. But we can't give what we don't have. What does it really mean to receive kindness, and then give it?

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • May 2, 2021


    What if we told you that it's possible to experience peace in your life, even when you aren't in control. When you take the steps to seek God and trust Him, you'll be able to experience peace like never before.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Apr 25, 2021


    Our source of joy comes from knowing who God is and what He has done. When we fully embrace this, we can begin to live a joy-filled life!

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Apr 18, 2021


    The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. When we take the steps to living out love in our lives, we begin to live the life God has for us!

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Apr 11, 2021


    We can fully live the life God designed for us if we live a life that produces fruit. It starts with God, but we must become partners in the process.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


Easter 2021

Do you feel like you're broken and can't be fixed? Do you feel like that one mistake you made has cost you your future? No matter what is weighing you down and holding you back, we believe that your life has purpose, and we want to help you uncover that.

  • Apr 3, 2021


    Jesus’ death and resurrection provide more than heaven—they give power to live life fully here and now.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


This Is Us

Who are you really? What if the more we knew ourselves, the more we could face life with purpose, confidence, and direction! Join us as we take a closer look at the Enneagram personality assessment and learn how it relates to who we are as a church, as individuals, and in Christ. 

  • Mar 28, 2021

    This is NewPointe

    We’ve been talking a lot about “who we are” and how it relates to God, others and the church. But what about who we are as a Church and how that relates to you? Join us and learn how NewPointe is committed to connecting you to three vital relationships: Connect with God, connect with others, connect others to God. Through these three relationships, we believe you will find purpose in the mission that God has for each of us.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Mar 21, 2021

    Practice the Authentic You

    God shaped you and gifted you in a unique way, and we’re all missing out if you’re determined to be anyone but yourself. Learn how to practice the authentic you and be the person God created you to be!

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Mar 14, 2021

    Think About It

    Perfect love casts out all fear. The basic foundation of the Enneagram is built around a triad of three motivations of thinking: the Gut, the Heart, and the Head. Join us this week as we look at the Head Triad, made up of Enneagram numbers five, six, and seven.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Mar 7, 2021

    With All My Heart

    Your identity is in whose you are, not what you do. The basic foundation of the Enneagram is built around a triad of three motivations of thinking: the Gut, the Heart, and the Head. Join us this week as we look at the Heart Triad, made up of Enneagram numbers two, three, and four.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Feb 28, 2021

    Gut Instinct

    When we understand ourselves, we understand God’s purpose for us individually and working together. The basic foundation of the Enneagram is built around a triad of three motivations of thinking: the Gut, the Heart, and the Head. Join us this week as we look at the Gut Triad, made up of Enneagram numbers eight, nine, and one.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Feb 21, 2021

    The Basics of You

    What if knowing how you're wired could help you make better decisions and better connect with others? Join us as Dwight breaks down each Enneagram personality type and dives into how it relates to you and your decision making.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Feb 14, 2021

    Self to Lose, Self to Find

    Becoming your authentic self requires letting go of all the patterns of your adapted self.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


Life Is Complicated. We Can Help.

The world looks different. And with change, comes complication. How do we manage the complexities of marriage, parenting, anxiety, fear, and faith, with or without COVID-19? We all want our lives to count. We all want to make a difference. We're all in this together. Life is complicated...we can help.

  • Feb 7, 2021

    Fan or Follower

    In life, we strive to be comfortable. But what if that comfort is holding you back? What if feeling uncomfortable brought more fulfillment than we could ever imagine?

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Jan 31, 2021

    Above the Law

    You've heard it said that no one is above the law, but what about someone actually fulfilling the law? Jesus wanted to reveal something bigger; something that might just change the way we all live.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Jan 24, 2021


    The message of Jesus is counterintuitive. Love your enemies? Pray for those who persecute you? Let's be real — there's nothing easy and natural about that. We have to be consistent and intentional about incorporating these values into our lives.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Jan 16, 2021

    Knowing God

    What does it mean to truly know and be known by God? Life with Him is more than just doing good. It's more than just our actions — it's our relationship with Him. And it starts with us.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Jan 9, 2021

    Anyone & Everyone

    Following Jesus doesn't mean life will be easy, and sometimes it can be a challenging step to take. Following Jesus, however, is worth it — even if you lose everything. Join us this weekend as we break down what it really looks like to surrender your life to Jesus.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Jan 2, 2021


    "Christian." "Christ-follower." "Believer." "Disciple." Is there really a difference? What should a Christian base their identity on? Join us as Dwight walks us through what it truly means to follow Christ as a disciple.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Dec 26, 2020


    Prayer can sometimes seem a lot harder than it needs to be, and instead of a dialogue with God, it can feel a lot more like a monologue. Join us as we discover how to connect directly to the heart of God through our prayerful time with Him.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Dec 24, 2020

    Hope is Here

    Hope is Here. It’s never left, because He has never left. And He offers Hope through himself for our own lives, and for the world. Hope for the young and for the old, for the sinner and the saint. Hope is Here, because Jesus is Here.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Dec 19, 2020


    Have you ever felt like you’re not good enough? Have you ever struggled to see yourself as Jesus sees you? If this is you (and let's be honest, it's all of us), this message helps to teach you how to focus on who you are in Christ.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Dec 12, 2020


    Do you have a difficult time saying no? Do you find your schedule getting busier and busier? Clear boundaries need to be set, and we shouldn’t apologize for setting them. Our mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical health depend on it. Check out this message to discover "why" and "how" boundaries can set us up for success in life.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Dec 5, 2020


    “I wish...”, “What if...?”, “What would be different if...?” We all have regrets, things that we wish we would have had hindsight for. Join us as we learn to let Jesus redeem our regrets and liberate our past decisions.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Nov 28, 2020


    We’s not easy to forgive, and it most certainly isn’t fun. Although, what would change in our relationships and in ourselves if we chose to forgive as many times as needed?

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Nov 21, 2020


    Gratitude is easier said than done but in fact, it often goes both unsaid and undone. Uncover the heart behind gratefulness and how we can strive to "give thanks in every circumstance."

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Nov 14, 2020

    Difficult People

    Know anyone who seems to make it their life’s goal to be difficult?  Let’s talk about how we can support and love the difficult people in our lives.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Nov 7, 2020


    The judgments we place on each other carry a lot of weight. Discover what it looks like when we love our neighbor not just with hollow words but with our actions.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Oct 31, 2020

    Decision Making

    Because our choices shape the quality and direction of our lives, we need to learn how to make wise decisions.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Oct 24, 2020


    Fear...if we’re not careful, it will seize control of our lives. How can we practically move from fear to faith?

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Oct 17, 2020


    None of us want to admit we have anger issues, but the reality is...we all do. Listen as Dwight explores the practical steps to controlling our anger.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Oct 10, 2020


    Marriage is tough and at times it can feel impossible. How can we have a strong marriage even when life gets complicated?

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Oct 3, 2020


    Stress is a huge part of our lives but what do we do when the stress gets to be too much? Learn what God has to say about managing our stress.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Sep 26, 2020


    Parenting isn’t easy and let’s be honest, none of us really have it figured out. Listen as Dwight unpacks some basics of parenting.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Sep 19, 2020

    Emotionally Healthy

    Why do I feel what I feel and do what I do? Identify your focus and learn how to develop an emotionally healthy mindset.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Sep 12, 2020


    To thrive and not just survive we need to learn the essentials that help us navigate the demands and challenges of this life.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


The Art of Hospitality



We live in a world that tells us we should pursue our self-interests: money, career, status, buying the big house or an expensive car, going on fancy vacations, the list goes on and on. These are the goals of our culture and how many people view success. But at some point in our lives, we find that we're no longer interested in those things. Instead, we want the things that are truly worth having. What does it mean to look beyond yourself and this world to find something more? We all get the opportunity to make a choice, so when life gives you choices, learn to choose better.