
Heaven Is Here

  • Dec 23, 2021

    Heaven Is Here

    God doesn't want you to live another year without peace. He wants you to have peace with God, peace within, and peace with others.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


Generosity Sunday

The Illusion

An illusion is something that is believed to be true or real but is actually false or unreal — a crafty construction or fantasy. 

Illusions color our perspective on finances, morality, relationships, and how we do business. In other words, illusions are nothing more than lies we believe. And who is the father of lies? The devil.  

The devil’s strategy behind illusions is simple: Take what’s true and twist it. Take what’s evident and distort it. Change it just enough to lead people astray because it’s not always what you think. 

  • Dec 9, 2021

    It's Not a Mistake

    Until you embrace the fact that you're a sinner, you will not be open to embracing the fact that God sent you a Savior.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Dec 2, 2021

    It's Only Physical

    Purity paves the way to intimacy. Giving up something now for something better later is not a sacrifice; it's an investment.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Nov 25, 2021

    God, Do You Care?

    When we suffer, God has not abandoned us. God is helping us learn obedience. God is stripping away all that would compete with our affection and allegiance to the supreme treasure of our souls.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Nov 18, 2021

    Who's the Boss?

    You can't be out from underneath the human authorities He's established and under God's authority at the same time. God works through human authority, whether they believe in Him or not.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Nov 11, 2021

    Pulling Back the Curtain

    Our freedom expands or shrinks with each decision we make. How have you believed lies that took away your freedom? What truths have you chosen that have expanded your life?

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Nov 4, 2021

    Invisible Insights

    Satan’s ultimate agenda is to destroy everything good for humans, and so he uses deception to devastate our hearts and minds and sometimes even our bodies. It wrecks relationships, marriages, families, and anything truly valuable to the human race.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


Under My Roof

We’ve all heard this phrase before: “As long as you live under my roof...” Right? Maybe you heard it one too many times as a kid growing up.  

The home should be the most influential place on planet Earth. And the person who potentially has the greatest influence on a child is a parent. A parent’s behavior (not advice) determines if their child wants to be like them or with them once they are older. But the fact is none of us have perfect parents or families.

Parenting is a great privilege and responsibility, and like the old saying goes, “More is caught than taught.” So, what does it look like to raise a godly family, a godly home? What does it look like to live... under my roof? 

  • Oct 28, 2021

    Flip the Cycle

    Just because you inherit something doesn't mean you have to pass it down. You can reject the negative genes that have been passed down to you and choose life.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Oct 21, 2021

    Raising a Generation

    To raise good kids, for them to have a faith that lasts, you must have your identity, authenticity, character, and greatness rooted and strengthened in Christ. Every other ground is sinking and shifting.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Oct 14, 2021

    Revealing Marriage

    No other relationship on planet Earth, including the parent-child relationship, can adequately illustrate our union with Christ the way a marriage does…This is the strongest reason why marriage cannot be redefined and must be protected at all costs.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Oct 7, 2021

    Testing the Foundation

    Truth without grace is mean. Grace without truth is meaningless. You need both to foster a healthy home. If you can't speak the truth in love, you will eventually resent the people you love.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Sep 30, 2021

    A Significant Family

    The home has the greatest potential for influence on a child's life. What happens in your home is more important than what happens at work, at school, or even at church.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


Rent Free

You are engaged in a battle for your mind, a warfare per se. Most of life’s battles are won or lost in your mind, and your life is always moving in the direction of your strongest thoughts. The life you have is often a reflection of this. So, what are you to do with these unwanted thoughts or occupants that live in your mind? How can you have a positive life when you have a negative mind? Can you evict them? Can you give them a 30-day notice? How do you overcome those unwanted thoughts that live in your head … rent free?

  • Sep 26, 2021

    Mind Management

    You don’t have to live in the grip of anxiety and fear. You can allow God’s Word and the Holy Spirit to work in you. Your rationale, logic, and emotions can be shielded from the illogically absurd, ridiculous, unfounded, and crazy thoughts that try to grip your mind.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Sep 19, 2021

    Calm My Anxious Mind

    Ask God to help you call to mind the things in your life that are the positives—the blessings. They're there; you just need to see them.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Sep 12, 2021

    Taking My Mind Back

    Where your mind goes, you go. You always have a choice. We have the weapons and power to win.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Sep 5, 2021

    Your Mind Is Powerful

    God wants you to have a sound mind. Acknowledge your stronghold and deal with it. Surrender your life to embrace the life and truth of Jesus. You can choose your way to life and truth.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


Plus One

Sometimes the idea of sharing the gospel with everyone can feel overwhelming. But what if we simplified it? What if we narrowed this seemingly impossible task to just one. One person to connect with, talk with, and invest in. One person in your life whom you can lead to Christ. Doesn't seem too overwhelming and scary, right? So... who's that one person you can begin to introduce Jesus to? Everyone has a plus one, who's yours?

  • Aug 29, 2021

    The Unexplainable Life

    You are here to be a light to the world. Your life is not for you alone; it is a means to an eternal end.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Aug 22, 2021

    Just Say No

    Worse than failure is living with the regret of never having stepped out in faith to pursue your vision.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Aug 15, 2021

    Living with Criticism

    Any time God leads you to do anything meaningful, generous, significant, something that benefits others and is eternal, expect opposition. Satan does not bother anyone who is not a threat. When you step out, the devil tries to step in to stop you from doing the work of God.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Aug 8, 2021

    Do the Work - Trust God

    The burden you bear often reveals the calling you will embrace.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Aug 1, 2021


    The most important abilities are availability and agility, being flexible for whatever God brings your way. Get personally involved in what God wants to do. Are you ready?

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor



Our view of Jesus will impact every area of our life. Our faith in Jesus should transform the relationships we have. Christ is greater than it all. This means we should make Him greater in our homes, our churches, and the world. Choosing to make Jesus a priority causes us to have greater hope, greater wholeness, greater freedom, and greater purpose. Join us as we talk about how to make Jesus greater in and through our lives.

  • Jul 25, 2021

    Greater Purpose

    God values people who serve the church. God values people who serve people. God values people who serve Him.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Jul 18, 2021

    Greater Freedom

    Is Jesus comfortable in your life? If so, there is peace. This is how you know you are on the right path. When you realize and experience how much God loves you, you will want to let go of everything that will get in the way.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Jul 11, 2021

    Greater Wholeness

    There’s only ONE who can complete you. Through Him you will receive peace of mind and heart—greater wholeness.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


  • Jul 4, 2021

    Greater Hope

    A greater understanding of who I am in Christ enables me to have greater joy, greater peace, greater love, and ultimately, a greater life.

    Dwight Mason | Lead Pastor


What's it all FOR?

If the local church is the hope of the world, how can we be sure to continually provide hope? When we look for opportunities to go outside of our comfort zone, God can use us to impact and change lives forever. Are you ready to bring hope to a hurting world?